Finding Your Voice Within After Abuse

Shhh! Do you hear that? It's the sound of your own voice, your inner voice. Feeling like you've lost the "inner you" after dealing with abuse is a normal feeling. But surviving the abuse and finding the confidence within yourself once again is an EXTRAORDINARY feeling and an accomplishment! So how do you begin to find your voice? First, you have to get out of any environment that drowns your voice out. You can recognize when you're in a voice-drowning environment if you no longer trust your intuition. If you're constantly second-guessing yourself when you're around a particular person or certain people, then that's a suffocating environment you can no longer afford to be in.
Get Away from Toxic People and Environments
After you get away from the person(s) that takes your breath away in a negative way; literally sucks the life force out of you, then and only then can you begin to catch your breath. Like the natural air you breathe, the inner you needs spiritual air to survive and thrive. When someone is abusive toward you, especially if that someone is your spouse, it accelerates the depletion of the God-given breath of life within you. It robs you of the voice within that's suppose to whisper, "You are worthy. You are created to be loved." Being in a free environment where you can be yourself and express your thoughts without tyrannical rebuke allows you to start regaining that oneness with yourself. That oneness that feels like the Holy Spirit within you and your soul are in harmony. You may get this synchronistic feeling when you're trying to figure out a solution to a problem and then suddenly the answer comes from within; you wonder, "Was that God or was that me?" It's the voice of God in you that's coming alive again. It's the voice deep within that's speaking with confidence.
Celebrate Finding Your Inner Voice
Your inner voice wants to be heard; it wants to be heard by you. Moments where you can hear the Holy Spirit speak to you are to be celebrated. If you have a supportive friend or confidant, share how you were dealing with an issue and then suddenly, the answer just popped into your mind. Talking about your triumphs of listening to your intuition will help to reaffirm trust in your inner voice. The icing on the cake is when you can share your testimony to help others who've been abused. When you get to this point, you have not only found your voice, but your voice will begin to evolve into something powerful and life-transforming beyond your imagination. So, if you're in an abusive relationship, take the first step in finding your voice by leaving the voice-drowning environment. This step doesn't mean abandoning any responsibilities you may have; it simply means you have a right to be in an environment that fosters your well-being. If you recently came out of an abusive situation, rejoice in the moments the voice of God in you speaks. Write it down and post it on your bathroom mirror if you have to. Whatever it takes to remind yourself that you do have a voice, you're smart—and yes—you know what you're talking about...okaayy. (Picture yourself doing that neck-rolling, finger-snapping move and say, "Okaayy.") Lastly, never stop discovering your voice within. As you continue to heal, become whole, and share your story to help others, your inner voice will become more mature and discerning. You may even shock yourself with the wealth of wisdom that's within you. Just let it flow. Use your voice. Your voice is POWERFUL!