Life After Abuse: Feeling Emotionally Unbalanced
You got out of the abusive relationship and have been feeling stronger than ever before. Maybe you've been doing well emotionally for several months or for more than a year. So why do you all of a sudden feel the way you did when you were in the thick of the abuse? There's an opposing force trying to steer you off course because the work that you've put in to get your healing is about to pay off. The miracles you've been praying for, the fasting you've done, the affirmations you've been telling yourself are all working. Breakthroughs always begin in the spiritual, invisible realm. This is the realm where entities that are against your growth reside. So before your breakthroughs manifest in the natural realm, they have to first get through the womb of the spirit. Just as how an expectant mother gets contractions that it's time to deliver, your spiritual womb goes through a topsy-turvy period right before it gives birth to your miracles.
There's nothing you can do to stop the birthing process, so just do your breathing exercise and get ready to push. The bigger the blessings, the more the opposing forces will try to get your emotions off balance. As a woman, your emotions are perhaps the most susceptible area of your being that gets out of whack when there's a spiritual shift about to happen. But just know that if what you are about to give birth to was not of the Kingdom of Heaven, then the Kingdom of Darkness would not care about aborting your multiple blessings.
Right now, wherever you are, declare that, "No spiritual miscarriage will come nigh thee. No stillborn hopes and dreams from the Kingdom of Heaven will be a part of my today and tomorrow. My spiritual bundle of joy will live and not die." As your virtual supporter, I break the curse. I break the lies of the enemy. I speak power and authority over you. I speak the blessings and the favor of the Most High, Creator of heaven and earth over your life to do His will. You are set free from emotional abuse. You are set free from feeling emotionally depressed and oppressed. You are set free and in position to receive multiple breakthroughs.