Healing From Abuse: Have You Forgiven Your Abuser?
Do you feel like something is holding you back from healing from abuse? Are you waiting for a breakthrough to really move forward with...
God is More Powerful than Your Pain
How long do you think you can hold on to your pain? Do you have another year, two years, five years, or even 10 years to stay attached to yo
Beauty for Ashes: Trading Being a Victim for Being an Overcomer
Do you see yourself as a victim or as a set-free overcomer of abuse? Do you see yourself through the eyes of defeat or through the eyes...
Narcissistic Projection Tactics
Here a little, there a little, is the covert tactic that narcissists use on their victims. A little leaven will leaven the whole lump. And s
Life After Abuse: Feeling Emotionally Unbalanced
You got out of the abusive relationship and have been feeling stronger than ever before. Maybe you've been doing well emotionally for se
4 Narcissistic Mentally Abusive Tactics
Mental abuse is designed to breakdown your sense of reality, what you know to be true. When you're married to a narcissist, he will atte
Narcissistic Love-Bombing: The False Fairy Tale Romance
Love-bombing is a tactic that narcissists use to sweep you off your feet in the beginning of a relationship in order to set you up for a let
Leaving An Abusive Marriage: Should You Go Back?
So you finally had enough of the abuse. You had the strength to walk away. But you're now having second thoughts after leaving an abusiv
Covert Narcissism: Crazy-Making Mental Abuse
Although covert narcs may not act like the arrogant, aggressive type on the surface, they still embody a predator mentality within. They pre